Silver Biocide kills all gram negative & positive bacteria & helps combat C19. Silver Biocide is a core constituent of CC Matting Polymer Mat Systems.


Keeping your precious products safe
Contamination is a major and growing concern in cleanrooms, critical areas and controlled environments of any semi-conductor facility. Although contamination from foot, wheel and airborne particles is often dismissed as simply ‘dust’ or ‘dirt’, the dangers it poses can be devastating. Contamination in the semi-conductor critical environment can have a major impact on quality, product yield, effectiveness and profitability.

Particles in a semi-conductor facility can be viable or non-viable, made from different materials, come from different places and travel large distances.

Particles outside the critical area can also be a potential problem, especially the small, light, invisible particles. Even fairly large particles that have settled on the floor are easily crushed into very small particles and redistributed back into the air. These airborne particles then get transferred into the critical area of your semi-conductor facility where they present a potential hazard.

According to a 3M study 80% of contaminants/harmful particulates enter the critical area of a semi-conductor environment via the feet or wheels of trollies. A contamination control mat supplied and installed by CC Matting will provide 99.9% protection from these harmful particulates over 6 falls of the feet.

The high tack contamination control mat is made of a polyester polymer with a polyester fabric backing. The properties of the cocktail of materials used in the sophisticated manufacturing process together create a material that has a very optically smooth, soft and supple surface with a natural tack and a high level of short-range electromagnetic forces, known as van der Waals forces.

These properties enable the surface to attract, collect and retain particles ranging in size from over 100 microns down to a few nanometres. 

To enhance the performance of the material special additives are mixed in to give static dissipative and anti-microbial properties.

All CC Matting contamination control mats are totally non-volatile/non-toxic – which makes them suitable for any grade of area. Also, there is zero outgassing from our mats ensuring they are optimally suitable for use in any semiconductor facility.

The cutting edge polymer technology maximizes the reduction of particulate and static contamination from your critical environment. The contamination threat in the manufacturing process is greatly reduced from start to finished chips.

All of these properties combine to ensure that your semi-conductor facility is being optimally protected for both your staff and contractors alike. There is no other proven method in the world today that can remove 99.9% of potential harmful particulates/contaminants from the feet or wheels of trolleys.

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