Silver Biocide kills all gram negative & positive bacteria & helps combat C19. Silver Biocide is a core constituent of CC Matting Polymer Mat Systems.


Protecting staff & patients
Infection & contamination control is always a number one priority of any medical or healthcare environment to ensure the highest standards for both patients and staff.

Hospitals deal with very high levels of footfall throughout the day with visitors coming and going. Along with this high level of footfall brings the risk of outside infections and contaminants. These potentially dangerous contaminants can have devastating effects in a hospital environment and can potentially put lives at risk too.

This is why it’s so important that you stop these risks right at the very front door before anyone even steps foot inside the facility. Contamination controls mats are the only proven method in the world today that can remove 99.9% of potential harmful particulates/contaminants from the feet or wheels of trolleys.

Having the proper procedures and technology in place is crucial for keeping a clean environment in such a sensitive setting. Contamination control mats will help protect all staff and patients from potentially harmful contaminants but it will also help to keep clean rooms and critical control rooms clean too.

Benefits of Contamination Control Mats in a Hospital

  • Ensures total particulate and bacteria contamination removal before entering your facility or critical environment with six full steps
  • Provides an electrostatic proof barrier before entering your critical work area
  • Life cycle of 4-5 years if properly maintained
  • Full 2-year replacement guarantee
  • Huge cost saving in comparison to peel off mats
  • Aesthetic improvement in the appearance of your workplace
  • CC Worksafe/Heavy Duty Mat is recyclable and environmentally friendly
  • Anti-Microbial – Silver Biocide kills 50+ organisms including MRSA & amp; COVID – 19.

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